Sunday, March 25, 2012

Art and Identity:The Museum of Modern Art.

             In Art,the artist usulay communicates his/her ideas or identities.A good work of art is the one that the artist can translate his identity beyond the border of its work to the artwork can relate to the artist's individual identity,cultural identity and historical identiy.In our first field trip,we went to the Museum of Modernt Art.We were told by our professor to focus on two exhibitions."Cindy Sherman" and "Contemporary Galleries: 1980-Now. We had to chose three work of art that fit each category.
                    In my first paragraph,I will focus on the individual identity.I think by this work of art Cindy Sherman identifies herself as a rich woman in early 1900s.She vizualises the picture of a wealthy women who lives in a big palace,and wearing jewleries in her hand.In the previous century rich women used to dress like that,and they liked thier wealthness to others,which i think that the artist is trying to tell us.Nowadays, the definition of wealthy women has changed.In other words,rich women don't define therselves by wearing jewlery or living in a palace.
                  In the second pargraph, i will concetrate about the cultural identity.For this category i have chosen the work of art by Andera Zittel.In this work,the artist identifies her cultural by the ethinicty of native Americans or Indians.I think she wants to remind the audience of these people who were the first people that lived in the U.S.Most of these were killed or kicked out form there countries by Europeans even though they greeted them when Europeans first came to this country.I think Andrea Zittel wants to show how great these pepole were.

                  In my third pargraph,I will focus on the historical identity.I have chosen a work of art by Marlen Dumas.Even though this work doesn't relate to the identity of the time in which it was created,it does relate to the historical identity of the artist since she is south african.It's common knowldge that south african had suffered for decades from racism.British people aboused them.Many  people were killed or jailed just because they were black.Actualy even the former president of South Africa was in jail for 25 years.As it appears on the work some black people are abused by police.
                  To sum up,all artist expresse thier identities through their work of art.These identities can be individual,cultural,and historical.

Cindy sherman
Chromogenic color print

Andrea Zittel
"Two Public Sculptures"
pencil on paper

Marlene Dumas
"Wall Waiting"
Oil on canvas


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